Liz Molitoris

Let's Connect

Liz has 15 years of experience in the senior housing sector. 

Prior to joining KindCare, Liz was VP of sales and marketing for All American Assisted Living and oversaw a portfolio of 20+ luxury and companion care communities. There, she developed sales and marketing strategies, oversaw the regional team and community sales, and implemented various strategies to help increase ROI, census, and employee retention. 

Liz honed her expertise in generating revenue and leasing up buildings for shared concept and luxury communities while holding various positions, including Director of Community Relations, Business Development Specialist, Regional VP of Sales & Operations, and Vice President of Marketing. 

Liz’s senior living experience has focused on growth via new business development, multi-site and operational site leadership, talent acquisition, sales culture development, forecasting, market research, digital marketing, advertising, and brand identity. 

Liz holds an MBA with a concentration in Health and Human Services from Delaware Valley University. 

She lives with her partner and 2 children in Yardley, Pennsylvania. 

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Kind Innovative
Caring Affordable

Welcome to KindCare at Bristol

KindCare at Bristol offers a compelling and unique vision that goes beyond creating living spaces; we cultivate communities where seniors thrive. 

Through thoughtfully designed floor plans and affordable, enriching services offered under our all-inclusive pricing model, we foster communities where connection, community, and kindness always take center stage. 

Discover the potential of our transformative approach today!

What Makes
Us Different

Remote Visitation

Pandemic Resistant Building

Innovative Life Enrichment

All Inclusive Pricing

More Affordable Luxury Living


Our Partners

Why Work
with KindCare?

100+ Years

Combined Development & Assisted Living Experience.

More Affordable

Compared to similar luxury lifestyles.


Rolling out over the next 60 months.

What We Value

Accessibility & Affordability of Care

Our leadership team established KindCare with a commitment to providing accessible and affordable care. 

By fostering an atmosphere of respect for our care team members, we empower them to extend the same respect and empathy to our residents.

Luxury, Personalized Experiences

We intentionally craft our communities to foster personal relationships within a caring and close-knit neighborhood setting. 

The essence of our communities lies in the shared value of kindness, demonstrated through assistance, compassion, and empathetic listening.

Adding Value to the Community

We help our residents reach out to the greater community using their time and talents. 

We’ve demonstrated our commitment to social responsibility through initiatives like creating bagged lunches for the homeless.

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